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09 / 2023

Reflecting on Apimondia 2023

We hope this newsletter finds you well and buzzing with excitement, as we take a moment to reflect on the unforgettable 2023 Apimondia Congress held in amazing Santiago, Chile. The event was a monumental celebration of bees and apiculture, and we're thrilled to share some highlights with you.

Our BeeConn team was thrilled to be part of the 48th Apimondia Congress! We showcased our latest innovations in bee monitoring technology, fostering

discussions on the importance of data-driven beekeeping practices. We are grateful to all who visited our booth, engaged in conversations, and expressed interest in collaborating with us to advance bee health and pollination efforts worldwide.

Slovenian Day at Apimondia Chile: A Celebration of Beekeeping Excellence

''Beekeeping in Slovenia, a way of life'', has been inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and in this light Slovenia took center stage to showcase its rich beekeeping heritage, innovation, and commitment to bee health at Slovenian Day, and we were also part of it with presentation and prize!

As we bid farewell to Apimondia 2023, let's remember that our collective commitment to bees doesn't end here. Let's carry forward the knowledge and

inspiration gained from this congress to continue our vital work in beekeeping, pollinator conservation, and sustainable agriculture.


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