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09 / 2024

How to keep bees calm, part 2

Choosing the right time and conditions for hive inspections

To keep bees calm during hive inspections, choosing the right timing and conditions is crucial. Additionally, using a beekeeping scale like the BeeConn with weather station feature can provide even more valuable insights and can enhance your ability to monitor hive conditions and reduce unnecessary inspections, ultimately keeping your bees calmer.

Here’s how to choose the best times and conditions for hive inspections while integrating the BeeConn beehive scale:
  • Sunny, warm days: Bees are generally more docile on sunny, warm days when they are busy foraging outside the hive. Inspections on these days are less likely to disturb the colony. Avoid cold, windy, or rainy days, as bees are more defensive under such conditions.
  • Midday inspections: Conduct inspections during the middle of the day, when most foragers are out collecting nectar and pollen. This reduces the number of bees present in the hive, making it less crowded and easier to manage, which helps in keeping the bees calm.
  • Avoiding extremes: Bees can become irritable in extremely hot or humid weather. Choose moderate weather conditions for your inspections to ensure a calmer environment.


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