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03 / 2024


Preparing the beekeeping scale for the new beekeeping season

At the beginning of the beekeeping season, a series of important tasks arise, among which the preparation of the beekeeping scale is of crucial importance. As beekeepers, we are aware that monitoring the weight of hives and caring for their well-being is very important. The beekeeping scale, as part of modern technology, provides us with precise insights into the condition of our bee colonies.

Why is preparing the beekeeping scale so important?
Proper preparation of the beekeeping scale before the season ensures smooth operation and reliable data on the condition of the hives. This allows us to take timely action, monitor the development of bee colonies, and prevent potential issues. Below are instructions for inspecting the BeeConn scale before the beekeeping season begins:

Inspection of cables and connections:

a. Check if all connectors are properly inserted. When inserting a connector, make sure it makes contact, but do not apply excessive force.

b. If a solar system is used, first remove the power cable from the gateway, then turn off the supply from the panel to the solar regulator at the junction of both cables (unscrewing on the cable, not on the regulator). Ensure all cables are securely connected to the solar regulator, then proceed to point 2.b.
Clean the solar panel.

Inspection of battery status:

a. Check the battery status of the scale on the gateway or in the BeeConn web application.

b. If a solar system is used, check the charge and voltage of the battery on the solar regulator:

i. If the display shows nothing, check the connection between the battery and the solar regulator.

ii. If the battery symbol on the display is empty and the voltage exceeds 14V, remove the power supply in the following sequence: gateway (just remove the cable from the gateway), solar panel (where the cable from the panel and the cable from the regulator connect must be turned off), battery (disconnect the + terminal from the battery by removing the crocodile clip), and reconnect in reverse order.

Installation inspection:

a. The hive should only rest on the 4 sensors of the scale and should not touch the housing of the scale. If there is debris between the hive and the scale, it should be removed.

b. The hive on the scale should not touch any neighboring hive, ceiling, or wall of the beekeeping facility, nor should there be anything between them except air (even foam rubber and styrofoam cause errors in weight measurement).

c. It is recommended that there be a minimum distance of 5mm between the hive on the scale and objects in the immediate vicinity, and more if necessary.

In case you have any questions or need additional assistance, we are here to help you. Please contact our customer support service, where we will be happy to assist you by phone at 00386 3 56 70 770, every working day between 8:00 and 16:00, or via email at help@beeconn.si.

We wish you a successful beekeeping season!


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